Results for 'Juan R. Goberna Falque'

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  1.  25
    Los servicios de inteligencia en la historiografía española.Juan R. Goberna Falque - 2005 - Arbor 180 (709):25-74.
    El objetivo prioritario de este artículo es la presentación del primer balance completo de la historiografía española sobre inteligencia, espionaje y temas afines. Como paso previo, el autor ha realizado una base de datos que cuenta en estos momentos con algo más de 1000 entradas, una cifra nada desdeñable que por sí sola demuestra que la bibliografía española sobre estas materias no es tan escasa como los principales especialistas en el tema suelen afirmar. Un porcentaje muy elevado de las referencias (...)
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  2. Functionalism and the Emotions.Juan R. Loaiza - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 75 (1):233-251.
    Functionalism as a philosophical position has been recently applied to the case of emotion research. However, a number of objections have been raised against applying such a view to scientific theorizing on emotions. In this article, I argue that functionalism is still a viable strategy for emotion research. To do this, I present functionalism in philosophy of mind and offer a sketch of its application to emotions. I then discuss three recent objections raised against it and respond to each of (...)
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    Individuating anger and other emotions: Lessons from disgust.Juan R. Loaiza & Diana Rojas-Velásquez - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Munch-Jurisic’s account of perpetrator disgust raises important new questions concerning the complexity of emotions and their connection with moral actions. In this commentary, we discuss this account by applying some of the author’s ideas to the case of anger. We suggest that just as the relations between disgust and moral action are much more nuanced than previously thought, as Munch-Jurisic explains, analyses of anger can also profit from a more careful approach to such connections. Specifically, we propose that contextual factors (...)
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    Semiotical and Hermeneutical Approach to Undiagnosed Rare Diseases.Coca Juan R., Juan Antonio Rodríguez-sánchez & Juan A. Roche Cárcel - 2023 - Filosofija. Sociologija 34 (1).
    Sociotype is a concept that allows a more comprehensive understanding about biosociology of undiagnosed rare diseases (URD). Sociotype is related to a genotype and a phenotype and it is an expression of the individual life world in society. In this paper, semiotic and hermeneutic analysis of papers published and selected about URD is developed. Te perspective followed in this research is aligned with the works of Barbieri and Peirce. Papers with the most social content have been selected and those with (...)
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  5. Emotions and the problem of variability.Juan R. Loaiza - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology (2):1-23.
    In the last decades there has been a great controversy about the scientific status of emotion categories. This controversy stems from the idea that emotions are heterogeneous phenomena, which precludes classifying them under a common kind. In this article, I analyze this claim—which I call the Variability Thesis—and argue that as it stands, it is problematically underdefined. To show this, I examine a recent formulation of the thesis as offered by Scarantino (2015). On one hand, I raise some issues regarding (...)
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    Intracranial spectral amplitude dynamics of perceptual suppression in fronto-insular, occipito-temporal, and primary visual cortex.Juan R. Vidal, Marcela Perrone-Bertolotti, Philippe Kahane & Jean-Philippe Lachaux - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  7. Sesgo implícito, externalismo y segunda persona.Juan R. Loaiza - forthcoming - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology.
    En este texto, sostengo que el estudio psicológico del sesgo implícito puede beneficiarse de los enfoques de segunda persona. Específicamente, muestro que las aproximaciones experimentales dominantes basadas en el Test de Asociación Implícita (IAT por su sigla en inglés) presuponen un internalismo según el cual la posesión de un sesgo implícito se identifica con la posesión de una asociación conceptual. Al equiparar la posesión del sesgo implícito con la posesión de una asociación conceptual, la visión tradicional reduce el sesgo a (...)
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    Condicionantes biosociales de las enfermedades no diagnosticadas.Juan R. Coca, Juan Antonio Roche Cárcel & Juan Antonio Rodríguez Sánchez - 2021 - Araucaria 23 (46).
    In this research work we approach to the knowledge of undiagnosed diseases. These diseases are framed within the so-called rare diseases, because they are not frequent. They generate a series of conditions in the lives of the affected people and in their social relationships. This is the result of the semiotic break between the biological and the social code. This situation can force people with these diseases to be out of the social structure, and they also can be reduced their (...)
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  9.  40
    Entre el Ciborg y el Barroco: un Entrecrucede Caminos Tecno-Científicos.Juan R. Coca, Jesús A. Valero Matas & Alejandra Solano - 2016 - Trans/Form/Ação 39 (3):177-190.
    RESUMEN: El presente texto pretende analizar la sociedad actual. En ella la tecnociencia tiene una presencia importante y ésta, a su vez, no es muy diferente con respecto a las demandas intelectuales, culturales y sociales del Barroco. Es decir, en la sociedad actual podríamos decir que sucede lo mismo, interesa más obtener resultados, que se nos asombre, más que comprender el cómo funciona o se realizan. Si bien, como aconteció en el Barroco, sectores de la sociedad emprendieron acciones para dotar (...)
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  10.  24
    Resurrection and Renewal: The Making of the Babi Movement in Iran, 1844-1850.Juan R. I. Cole & Abbas Amanat - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (4):783.
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    Apprendre à vaincre en le regardant faire. Lo que Gibbon aprendió de Justo Lipsio.Juan R. Ballesteros - 2022 - Araucaria 24 (51).
    Justo Lipsio publicó en 1598 la primera ed. de _Admiranda sive de magnitudine romana libri IV_, una de las fuentes bibliográficas del _Decline and Fall_ de Gibbon. El trabajo presenta las relaciones entre ambos proyectos historiográficos y revisa el análisis que de esa relación realizó J. G. A. Pococken _Barbarism and Religion. __Volume Three. The First Decline and Fall_ (2003).
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    Accessibility and Phenomenality: Remarks on Solving Molyneux’s Question Empirically.Juan R. Loaiza - 2020 - Humanitas Hodie 2 (2):h223.
    In the xvii century, William Molyneux asked John Locke whether a newly-sighted person could reliably identify a cube from a sphere without aid from their touch. While this might seem an easily testable question, answering it is not so straightforward. In this paper, I illustrate this question and claim that some distinctions regarding the concept of consciousness are important for an empirical solution. First, I will describe Molyneux’s question as it was proposed by Molyneux himself, and I’ll briefly say something (...)
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  13. Molyneux’s Question in Berkeley’s Theory of Vision.Juan R. Loaiza - 2017 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 32 (2):231-247.
    I propose a reading of Berkeley's Essay towards a New Theory of Vision in which Molyneux-type questions are interpreted as thought experiments instead of arguments. First, I present the general argumentative strategy in the NTV, and provide grounds for the traditional reading. Second, I consider some roles of thought experiments, and classify Molyneux-type questions in the NTV as constructive conjectural thought experiments. Third, I argue that (i) there is no distinction between Weak and Strong Heterogeneity theses in the NTV; (ii) (...)
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  14. Ciencia, tecnología y sociedad en la docencia de la biología.Juan R. Coca - 2008 - Ludus Vitalis 16 (29):163-166.
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  15. Hacia una tecnociencia policontextural.Juan R. Coca - 2008 - Ludus Vitalis 16 (30):207-210.
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  16.  10
    Planteamientos personales: acercamiento discutivo a la obra" El hombre como persona".Juan R. Coca - 2005 - Analogía Filosófica 19 (2):115-124.
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  17. Lógica formal.Sepich Lange & R. Juan - 1940 - Buenos Aires,: Cursos de cultura católica.
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    Embodiment, Context-Sensitivity, and Discrete Emotions: A Response to Moors.Gen Eickers, Juan R. Loaiza & Jesse Prinz - 2017 - Psychological Inquiry 28 (1):31-38.
  19.  16
    John Henry Newman and the Development of Doctrine: Encountering Change, Looking for Continuity. By StephenMorgan. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2021. Pp. xviii, 318. $75.00. [REVIEW]Juan R. Vélez - 2024 - Heythrop Journal 65 (1):107-109.
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    Newman on Doctrinal Corruption. By MatthewLevering. Word on Fire, 2022. Pp. 434. £20.99. [REVIEW]Juan R. Vélez - 2023 - Heythrop Journal 64 (5):732-733.
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    The Postovulatory Mechanism of Action of Plan B.Rebecca Peck & Juan R. Vélez - 2013 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 13 (4):677-716.
    Levonorgestrel is widely used as emergency contraception, yet much confusion surrounds its use. Consensus statements and reviews typically attribute its efficacy to prefertilization mechanisms of action, such as suppression of ovulation and interference with cervical mucus or sperm function, yet studies do not rule out a postovulatory MOA. To yield greater clarity, the authors review recent scientific studies examining the MOAs of LNG-EC. They conclude that LNG-EC exerts minimal effects on cervical mucus and sperm function and that suppression of ovulation (...)
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    Las dimensiones personates de la Actividad Cientifica.Juan R. Coca - 2007 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 63 (1/3):663 - 670.
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  23. Estado peligroso: Breve análisis.Juan R. Mendoza Díaz - forthcoming - Enfoques.
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  24. La filosofía de Ser y tiempo de M. Heidegger.Sepich Lange & R. Juan - 1954 - Buenos Aires,: Editorial Nuestro Tiempo.
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  25. La Metaphysica.Sepich Lange & R. Juan - 2004 - Mendoza, Argentina: Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Facultad de Filosofia y Letras. Edited by Armando Rodríguez.
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    Colonialism and Revolution in the Middle East: Social and Cultural Origins of Egypt's ʿUrabi MovementColonialism and Revolution in the Middle East: Social and Cultural Origins of Egypt's Urabi Movement.Roger Owen & Juan R. I. Cole - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (2):284.
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    Metáforas tecnocientíficas en el discurso mediático: análisis hermenéutico e impacto socio-educativo.Elena Jiménez García, Juan R. Coca, Francisco J. Francisco Carrera & Jesús Valero Matas - 2014 - Arbor 190 (769):a171.
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  28. Introduccioń a la ética.Sepich Lange & R. Juan - 1952 - Buenos Aires,: Emecé.
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  29. Siguiendo a elias. La idea de civilización y el problema de la identidad nacional en Francia durante el siglo XIX».Goberna Falque Jr - 1999 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 23:373-378.
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  30. Altruistic Behavior among Twins.Encarnación Tornero, Juan F. Sánchez-Romera, José J. Morosoli, Alexandra Vázquez, Ángel Gómez & Juan R. Ordoñana - 2018 - Human Nature 29 (1):1-12.
    According to kin selection theory, indirect reproductive advantages may induce individuals to care for others with whom they share genes by common descent, and the amount of care, including self-sacrifice, will increase with the proportion of genes shared. Twins represent a natural situation in which this hypothesis can be tested. Twin pairs experience the same early environment because they were born and raised at the same time and in the same family but their genetic relatedness differs depending on zygosity. We (...)
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    Transhumanism, Society and Education: An Edusemiotic Approach.Susana Gómez Redondo, Claudio J. Rodríguez Higuera, Juan R. Coca & Alin Olteanu - 2024 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 43 (2):177-193.
    We propose a semiotic framework to underpin a posthumanist philosophy of education, as contrasted to technological determinism. A recent approach to educational processes as semiotic phenomena lends itself as a philosophy to understand the current interplay between education and technology. This view is aligned with the transhumanist movement to defend techno-scientific progress as fundamental to human development. Particularly, we adopt a semiotic approach to education to tackle certain tensions in current debates on the human. Transhumanism scholars share the optimistic belief (...)
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    From Behavioral Facilitation to Inhibition: The Neuronal Correlates of the Orienting and Reorienting of Auditory Attention.Faith M. Hanlon, Andrew B. Dodd, Josef M. Ling, Juan R. Bustillo, Christopher C. Abbott & Andrew R. Mayer - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Extracting the Evaluations of Stereotypes: Bi-factor Model of the Stereotype Content Structure.Pablo Sayans-Jiménez, Isabel Cuadrado, Antonio J. Rojas & Juan R. Barrada - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Interhospital variation in appropriateness of cataract surgery.César Llorente, Juan A. Blasco, José M. Quintana, Amaia Bilbao, Txomin Alberdi, Juan R. Lacalle, José M. Begiristain & Marisa Baré - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (1):188-195.
  35.  25
    Epistemología y hermenéutica de la ciencia: una visión desde la obra de Kuhn.Jesús A. Valero Matas & Juan R. Coca - 2013 - Arbor 189 (761):a039.
    La intención de este trabajo es mostrar cómo es posible desarrollar una hermenéutica de la ciencia. Para esto se utilizarán los desarrollos epistemológicos de Kuhn y se desarrollará un análisis teórico de los mismos. Finalmente se exponen los elementos que condicionan la actividad tecnocientífica. Este trabajo busca, como conclusión, exponer los elementos que deberían estar presentes en una hermenéutica de la ciencia.
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  36. Acquisition of Autonomy in Biotechnology and Artificial Intelligence.Philippe Gagnon, Mathieu Guillermin, Olivier Georgeon, Juan R. Vidal & Béatrice de Montera - 2020 - In S. Hashimoto N. Callaos, Proceedings of the 11th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2020, Volume II. Winter Garden: International Institute for Informatics and Systemics. pp. 168-172.
    This presentation discusses a notion encountered across disciplines, and in different facets of human activity: autonomous activity. We engage it in an interdisciplinary way. We start by considering the reactions and behaviors of biological entities to biotechnological intervention. An attempt is made to characterize the degree of freedom of embryos & clones, which show openness to different outcomes when the epigenetic developmental landscape is factored in. We then consider the claim made in programming and artificial intelligence that automata could show (...)
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    Expected utility from additive utility on semigroups.Juan C. Candeal, Juan R. de Miguel & Esteban Induráin - 2002 - Theory and Decision 53 (1):87-94.
    In the present paper we study the framework of additive utility theory, obtaining new results derived from a concurrence of algebraic and topological techniques. Such techniques lean on the concept of a connected topological totally ordered semigroup. We achieve a general result concerning the existence of continuous and additive utility functions on completely preordered sets endowed with a binary operation ``+'', not necessarily being commutative or associative. In the final part of the paper we get some applications to expected utility (...)
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    Lectura celebrativa de un poema: “Cuestión de estadísticas” de Piedad Bonnett.Juan Camilo Suárez R. - 2015 - Co-herencia 12 (22):153-165.
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    La Filosofía de la Existencia.R. Juan Manuel Cuartas - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 28:229-242.
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    Roads to democracy: a tribute to Juan J. Linz.Juan J. Linz, Joan Marcet, José R. Montero & Robert M. Fishman (eds.) - 2007 - Barcelona: Institut de Ciències Polítiques i Socials.
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    La distinción entre “hecho” y “acción” frente al “derecho del saber”. Agencia, imputación y suerte en la Rechtsphilosophie de Hegel.R. Juan Pablo Mañalich - 2023 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 35 (1):179-211.
    El artículo ofrece una reconstrucción de la concepción de la acción que, anclada en una concepción más amplia de la imputación, Hegel nos presenta en el capítulo “La moralidad” de su Filosofía del Derecho, y que arranca de la clarificación preliminar de qué significa que “crimen” designe algo que tiene el estatus de una acción. A partir de un conjunto de premisas obtenidas de algunas recientes reinterpretaciones analíticamente orientadas de su obra, desarrolladas por Brandom y Quante, se examina la distinción (...)
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    Germán Vargas Guillén – Luz Gloria Cárdenas Mejía.R. Juan Manuel Cuartas - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 23:159-161.
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    Ajedrez en Grid con accesibilidad para todos.R. Torres, Saulo de Jesús, Ana María López Echeverry & Juan de Jesús Veloza Mora - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Vorsatz als Wissen?Juan Pablo Mañalich R. - 2021 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 29 (1):177-188.
    The traditional understanding of the criminal law’s concept of dolus is grounded on its definition as the conjunction of a volitional and a cognitive attitude towards the satisfaction of the abstract description that specifies the corresponding offense. Although so-called “cognitivist” conceptions persuasively argue for the redundancy of the purported volitional component, the theoretical adequacy of the recourse to the concept of knowledge is very rarely called into question. The display of a teleological-analytical model for clarifying the general structure of a (...)
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    Integrating Curriculum-Based Dynamic Assessment in Computerized Adaptive Testing: Development and Predictive Validity of the EDPL-BAI Battery on Reading Competence.Juan-José Navarro, Catalina Mourgues-Codern, Eduardo Guzmán, Isabel R. Rodríguez-Ortiz, Ricardo Conejo, Claudia Sánchez-Gutiérrez, Jesús de la Fuente, Diana Martella & Mahia Saracostti - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Tentativa y resolución-al-hecho: una reconstrucción desde la filosofía de la acción.Juan Pablo Mañalich R. - 2019 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 51:29-64.
    El trabajo ofrece una reconstrucción de aquello que la dogmática del derecho penal denomina una “tentativa inacabada”, cuya estructura es analizada a partir de premisas obtenidas de la filosofía de la acción. El argumento se centra en demostrar por qué y cómo la así llamada “resolución-al-hecho”, en cuanto presupuesto de tal forma de tentativa, ha de ser caracterizada como una intención previa, a través de cuya formación el agente adquiere el compromiso práctico de ejecutar u omitir una acción de cierta (...)
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    The Long Brazilian Crisis: A Forum.Juan Grigera, Jeffery R. Webber, Ludmila Abilio, Ricardo Antunes, Marcelo Badaró Mattos, Sabrina Fernandes, Rodrigo Nunes, Leda Paulani & Sean Purdy - 2019 - Historical Materialism 27 (2):59-121.
    The coming to office of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil has brought to the fore the need to understand the rise of the far right and to come to terms with the conflicted legacies of more than a decade of rule under the Workers’ Party. This forum brings together six leading intellectuals from different traditions on the left and introduces their reflections on the contradictions and complexities of the Workers’ Party, the 2008 crisis, the June 2013 protests, the weakness of the (...)
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    Ethical conflict in critical care nursing.Anna Falcó-Pegueroles, Teresa Lluch-Canut, Juan Roldan-Merino, Josefina Goberna-Tricas & Joan Guàrdia-Olmos - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (5):594-607.
    Background: Ethical conflicts in nursing have generally been studied in terms of temporal frequency and the degree of conflict. This study presents a new perspective for examining ethical conflict in terms of the degree of exposure to conflict and its typology. Objectives: The aim was to examine the level of exposure to ethical conflict for professional nurses in critical care units and to analyze the relation between this level and the types of ethical conflict and moral states. Research design: This (...)
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    José Luís Rodríguez García.R. Juan Manuel Cuartas - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 25:145-147.
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    Maurice Merleau-Ponty y El «Paisaje de la Filosofía de la Existencia.R. Juan Manuel Cuartas - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 29:113-126.
    Fiel a sus términos, en la palabra «paisaje», Maurice Merleau-Ponty intentadescribir la disposición de elementos en los que se instala la reflexión sartriana,evitando atribuir a la continuidad o a la réplica los argumentos que discuteSartre en relación con la existencia. Difícilmente una palabra conseguiríaseñalar la diferencia que establece Sartre en su reflexión sobre la existencia,lo que exige integrarlo en la composición de un paisaje más amplio, próximoa otros dos pensadores: Søren Kierkegaard y Martin Heidegger; proximidadque no se encuentra, ciertamente, exenta (...)
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